
URGENT!!!! Imi puteti traduce urmatorul text din romana in engleza? Va Roooog!sa fie la viitor!
In vacanta de vara eu voi merge la mare impreuna cu familia mea. Vom merge pentru ca ne place marea. Vom sta 2 saptamani ,dupa care, vom veni acasa.
Dar,voi merge si la bunici,la tara. Ma voi relaxa citind o carte sau jucandu-ma cu animalele.
Insa,ma voi distra si cu prietenii mei. Vom merge la filme si vom face excursii impreuna.
Abia astept vacanta de vara! MULTUMESC!!!!

Răspuns :

In my summer holiday i will go with my family to the seaside.We will go becuase we like seaside.We are going to stay two weeks and after that we will come home.But i will go to my grandparemts at the village,too.I will be relaxing reading a book or playing with the animals.I will have fun with my friends too.We will go to watch movies and we will have journeys together. I can't wait until the summer holiday!