
As soon as they were on the beach,smuggled goods used to disappear like magic.They were either hidden in caves for transport later,or taken inland immediately by horse and cart.The smugglers trained the horses to obey the opposite command if they were stopped by the customs officers.So,when an officer said,'Stop!' to the horse, it galloped away as fast as possible.What's more,the horses were sometimes covered with grease and were so slippery that the customs officers couldn't catch them.Smuggling was thought to be such a serious crime that,when smugglers were arrested, they were often transported by ship to prisons on the other side of the world in Australia.

Răspuns :

Imediat ce au ajuns pe plaja, lucrurile de contrabanda dispareau ca prin magie. Acestea erau ori ascunse in pesteri pentru a fi transportate mai tarziu, ori erau luate departe de mal imediat, cu ajutorul cailor si al carutelor. Contrabandistii invatau caii sa raspunda la opusul comenzilor daca erau opriti de un ofiter vamal. Astfel, daca un ofiter ii zice "Stop!" calului, acesta porneste in galop cat de repede poate. Mai mult de atat, uneori caii erau acoperiti cu grasime ca sa fie alunecosi si ofiterii sa nu poata sa ii apuce. Contrabanda era o crima atat de serioasa incat, daca erau arestati, contrabandistii erau trimisi cu vapoare la inchisori din celalalt colt al lumii, in Australia.