
The bus is available until the early hours of the morning ( ADEVARAT SAU FALS)

A special bus service is put on over the weekend. It provides a covenient, friendly service helping everyone get from one venue to the next and is the easiest way to move around the city and enjoy what's on offer. The buses run from 20:00 pm to 03:00 am to cover the main Marathon event areas.

Răspuns :


Un serviciu special de transport in comun e introdus in zilele sfarsitului de saptamana. Acesta ofera un serviciu convenabil si prietenos care ii ajuta pe toti sa ajunga de la un loc in altul si e cel mai usor mod de a circula prin oras si de a te bucura de oferte. Autobuzele circula de la orele 20:00 pana la 03:00 dimineata pentru a acoperi zonele principale ale evenimentului legat de maraton.