a fost răspuns

Vaaa rog sa ma ajutati !! descrieti o zi din viata voastra cu activitatile preferate la timpul trecut.
Eu vreau sa spun aici ca=ma spal pe fata,merg la scoala, vin acsa, mananc,imi fac teme, ma joc pe telefon ,i-au cina si ma uit la televizor

Răspuns :

A day of my life starts like this: I wake up in the morning, going to bathroom and brushing my theets&washing my face. Then I get dressed for school. With some minutes before my class starts, I take my bag and go to school.
After a day full-of-school,I come back home,exhausted. Where I relax about 2-3 hours, I eat my meal and after I had some relaxing time after the exhausting time at school, I'm getting ready to make my homeworks.
After I done my homeworks, I take some times for myself again when I just play on my phone.
After some time I take the dinner with my family, and after I'm watching the TV untill I fell asleep.