
Hi ā€“ Internet user of the past !
My nameā€™s Julia and Iā€™m writing at 11:30 a.m. on April 1st, 2040. This is my first attempt at using the schoolā€™s time machine linked to e-mail so I hope it works.
Let me tell you about my daily routine. Thanks to technology, everythingā€™s really easy! Weā€™ve got a central computer at home. It knows all about my familyā€™s habits and preferences, and it programmes all the other machines in out flat.
By now, the robomaid will have made my bed and tidied my room. Iā€™ve never had to do these things myself! And by time I get home tonight, the bathroom computer will have run my bath just the way I like it, with lots of bubbles!
Then Iā€™ll have to do my homework. That hasnā€™t changed, Iā€™m afraid, but technology helps a lot!
I have to do a project on Ramses II for tomorrow. But by the time Iā€™ve had my bath, my PC will have logged in a CD-ROM on the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Iā€™ll ā€œvisitā€ the museum and when I get to a room Iā€™m interested in, the PC will read out the information. Then Iā€™ll just make notes and write a first draft. The PC will edit it for spelling, grammar and style, and then print it and put it in a nice folder. (My teacher are very keen on good presentation!)
By the time Iā€™ve put the project in my school bag, the robomaid will have made my dinner and the PC will have found an old film I like.
Iā€™ve told it Iā€™d like to watch an old Indiana Jones. I love putting myself into the film and changing the story. Of course Iā€™m always the heroine!
Oh, I almost forgot! For next week Iā€™ve got to do a project on the life of a teenager in the twentieth century. The trouble is I canā€™t find a CD-ROM about life then. Could you please key in a short autobiography and send it to me? My e-mail address is:
juliaparker@edu.compulink.co.uk. Just think, weā€™ll be the first people to communicate through time using a fibre-optic cable!
;-) Julia

You have just got a PC linked to the Internet. One day when you are surfing, the message comes up on the screen. Read it and answer these questions.
1. Who send the message and when ?
2. What does e-mail mean, do you think ?
3. Who will prepare Juliaā€™s dinner tonight ?
4. What are Juliaā€™s plans for this evening ?
5. What is Juliaā€™s homework for next week ?
6. What does she want you to do ?
7. Would you like to lead a life Juliaā€™s ? Why ( not ) ?
8. ā€œSmiliesā€ are used on e-mail messages to indicate feelings, :-) means
ā€œhappyā€. What does the smilie at the end of Juliaā€™s message mean, do you think ?

Răspuns :

1.The message was sent by Julia in the date of  April 1st, 2040 at 11:30 a.m. .

2.The e-mail means electronic mail which is reffering to sending letters, messages,articles or just simply informations through internet which is an network that needs computers to be powered with electricity to display the information.

3.Julia's dinner will be prepared by the robomaid.

4.Julia's plans for this evening are to do a project on Ramses II and to watch an old film about Indiana Jones.

5.Julia's homework for next weekend is to do a project about the life 
of a teenager in the twentieth century.

6.She wants me to do 
a short autobiography and send it to her through e-mail.

7.Yes,i would like to lead a life like Julia has because it seems very interesting having all those robots making her life easier and this thing make her to have  more spare time when she can do a lots of interesting things.

8.The smile at the end of Julia's message mean that she counts on me to help her and that she hopes that i've received her's message and i could write my autobiography that she could get a good note on her's project.