Scrie un proiect despre experientele tale recente.Alege 2 dintre temele date si scrie o scurta descriere. Gaseste imagini pentru a-ti ilustra proiectul.
1) Locuri interesante pe care le-ai vizitat.
2) Cateva carti interesante pe care le-ai citit.
3) Cateva lucruri neobisnuite pe care le-ai facut .
4)O celebrare pe care ai avut-o.
5)Un eveniment sportiv la care te-ai uitat sau la care ai luat parte.
6)Cineva important pe care l-ai facut.
Locuri interesante pe care le-ai vazut , compunere
Romania it's a wonderful country with a lot of interesting
places , a lot of castles and a lot of courteous people.
If you go there you will be very happy , and you will take part at the romanian's manners . Let's talk a bit about a very nice castle : Peles Castle . It is in Sinaia ,a a region of Romania . Peles Castle in situated in the heart of the mountains and is more ythan wonderfull.It is the first electrified castle from Europe , and it is a summer residence by the first Romanian King, Carol 1st.
The second Wonder Castle of Romania is : Bran Castle with a frightend and amazing history . If you go there , you will hear of Dracula and of hi's history . This castle is very old and because of that is soo amazing . In Romania , there are a lot of amazing places so, visit it .