
Write a paragraph about a city or town you know well. Say: what kind of town it is, where it is situated , what it is famous for.

Răspuns :

Bran Castle was originally a fortress built by the Teutonic Knights, in 1212, when it was known as Dietrichstein.Later, in the late thirteenth century, was conquered by the Germans to protect the city of Brasov, an important commercial center. Vlad Tepes used Bran Castle as a starting point for his incursions in Transylvania.Today, the place is a museum visited by tourists from around the world. Near the castle you can visit an interesting museum with life as the main characteristics peasants in the area. On Halloween, the place is a favorite destination for Americans and Englishmen working in Romania or just a visit.It is one of the few places in Romania where you really feel the atmosphere of Halloween.
Sper ca te-am ajutat cu Catelul Bran...iti dau si traducerea in romana sa vezi ce am scris
Castelul Bran a fost initial o fortareata construita de Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni, in anul 1212, cand era cunoscut sub numele de Dietrichstein. Mai tarziu, spre sfarsitul secolului XIII, a fost cucerit de sasi pentru a proteja orasul Brasov, un important centru comercial. Vlad Tepes a folosit Castelul Bran ca punct de plecare pentru incursiunile sale in Transilvania. Astazi, locul este un muzeu vizitat de turisti din toata lumea. Langa castel puteti vizita un interesant muzeu avand ca principala caracterisica viata taranilor din acea zona. De Halloween, locul este destinatia favorita a americanilor si englezilor care lucreaza in Romania sau pur si simplu o viziteaza. Este unul din putinele locuri din Romania unde poti simti cu adevarat atmosfera de Halloween.