
Scrisoare catre familia ta, in care le descrii locul in care ai ales sa iti petreci vacanta .

Răspuns :

Hello mother , hello father ! I got myself well ! It's a place mins , here in London. The climate is also favorable . Pretty little studio is exactly as I imagined . I arrived by plane at 24:34 . In front of the building where I live is full of fragrant flowers and colorful . Children playing and screaming sounds pleasant causing hearing .   Some climbing geraniums hang out climbing up to my window above. I am on the 4th floor and it's a lovely place . The streets are cobbled and engraved with different names of those in the neighborhood . Already I love this place . I wish you well , and remember that I love you ! Bye!
    Eu am facut scrisoarea !! 
  Sper sa fie de ajutor! :)